Who We Are

For the last decade, we have navigated the sustainable infrastructure industry’s evolving financial, regulatory, and political landscape. 

We bring extensive experience evaluating mature and emerging technologies and full breadth of financing structures within an ever-changing regulatory environment.

We deliver a uniquely integrated people solution

Every aspect of the SIFAC platform is designed with one goal in mind: Provide the support you need to execute climate-focused transactions.

By enrolling in the SIFAC platform, you’ll not only acquire practical green lending skills but also become part of a dynamic network of community lenders.
We offer you the tools and connections needed to excel in the evolving green finance sector.
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Our Team

The SIFAC team is made up of the Sustainable Capital Advisors professionals with experience spanning banking, government, nonprofit management, financial advisory, engineering, and more. 
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Accelerating Climate Finance

Cutting-edge tools and strategies tailored to address the unique challenges of community lenders.